Thursday, September 24, 2009

If you pack your child's lunch every day of school, you could use over 200 plastic bags over the course of a school year. Using reusable packaging to pack school lunches is not only good for the environment, it's good for your wallet. While purchasing these items means you might have to spend money to save money, the long term benefits are worth the initial expense. Read more here: Beyond Plastic Bags

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Manual Booms Installed!

As you are all aware, the autogate system at gates 1 & 2 worked only a limited number of days this year!!

We have finally installed manually operated booms while the autogate systems are repaired.... after much deliberation. When the autogate system is finally working, or new autogate system is installed, the manual booms will stay in place as backup whenever the lighting strikes again!

If any residents has suggestions on the brands of autogate system, please do drop us the information and suggestion at:

More things are coming up in terms of motor vehicle and bike stickers; as well as residents card.

Stay tuned!